6 Benefits Of A Holistic Practitioner For Arthritis

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6 Benefits Of A Holistic Practitioner For Arthritis

Arthritis is one of those diseases that is more involved than just taking pills to get rid of the pain. Pills can be an important part of reducing the inflammation and pain from arthritis but they don’t help you with the stress of having arthritis and they don’t relieve the pain so you don’t have any pain at all.
This is where it is beneficial to have a holistic practitioner for arthritis who can help with all of the aspects you deal with when suffering from this chronic condition.
Some benefits of using a holistic practitioner for arthritis include the following:

• A holistic practitioner will help you with the stress associated with arthritis. Holistic practitioners are very familiar with the stress that goes on when a person has a chronic, painful condition. They understand that things like sleep and activities of daily living can be interrupted when a person has arthritis and have the skills to address these things. When arthritis pain interferes with your ability to get a restful night’s sleep, a holistic practitioner can recommend herbal teas or lifestyle changes that can improve the quality of your sleep. Holistic practitioners are excellent in finding ways to decrease stress so that the perception of pain is decreased and you can function better while living with arthritis.

• A holistic practitioner knows non-drug therapies for arthritis. Arthritis pain may not be able to be managed only through the taking of anti-inflammatory medications or strong pain relievers, which have side effects that limit their usefulness in treating arthritis. A holistic practitioner knows herbal remedies for pain and can perhaps do things like acupuncture, which can reduce the perception of pain without having to take medications. Acupuncture or acupressure can be used to treat arthritis pain when practiced by a skilled practitioner in acupuncture or acupressure. These modalities can be used along with conventional therapy to reduce pain and increase the quality of your life.

• A holistic practitioner may endorse alternative therapies. Arthritis can be treated in some cases by the use of homeopathy or Ayurvedic medical practices. Most conventional doctors don’t know about these things and you may be missing an alternative therapy that will help improve your arthritis symptoms and the perception of arthritis pain. Holistic practitioners also know a lot about herbal remedies for arthritis that can be used to treat the pain without having to resort to strong pain-killing drugs. You can go a long time using alternative therapies for the treatment of arthritic pain without having to take prescription medications. Most alternative medical therapies are free of side effects and can safely help you manage your pain.

• A holistic practitioner understands the role of lifestyle changes. Arthritis likely affects everything in your life, including your ability to participate in activities of daily living. The holistic practitioner will teach you exercises that will decrease your pain and will strengthen you muscles so that the joints have less stress placed upon them. The holistic practitioner will also know something about the practices of yoga, tai chi, and qi gong, which are gentle ways of stretching and exercising that can reduce your pain and can be done by anyone, regardless of their ability to exercise. These types of exercises improve strength and balance so you have a decreased incidence of falls and fractures related to poor balance or falling.

• A holistic practitioner recognizes the value of massage therapy in arthritis treatment. Massage therapy can be extremely helpful to patients suffering from arthritis. A holistic practitioner may actually practice massage as part of their treatment of you or may be able to recommend a good massage therapist you can use to decrease your perception of pain. Massage therapy is also extremely beneficial in reducing stress so that you can feel less pain from your arthritis. You can plan to have massage therapy at least once per week so that your perception of pain and stress levels will decrease.

• A holistic practitioner understands the mind and body connection in disease. Most conventional doctors don’t recognize that the state of your mind strongly affects how you perceive pain and how you function with disease. A good holistic practitioner knows that it is just as important to have brain-related issues dealt with even when your condition involves something physical.







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About the Author: James Gibbard

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